
these are my favourite web dev resources (for in-browser web dev). some of them i use frequently, and others are a fun one-off thing to play around with


W3Schools - very in-depth guide to HTML, CSS, JS, and more. i learned web dev through it. i like that it has an in-browser sandbox where you can play around with code before you paste it into your site

HTML colours - built-in colours you can use in CSS if you don't have easy access to a hex/rgb picker (e.g. you're coding on a tablet)

web-safe fonts - fonts you can use without having to download/link them


Google Fonts - allows you to connect any font though a link in the HTML head without having to download it!

toptal arrows and w3schools arrows - list of HTML arrow symbols and their codes so you can easily insert cool arrows (and other symbols) into your page - blinkie library & generator

Image Color Picker - pick colours from an image (from file or clipboard) and get their rgb/hex codes


Everypixel - randomly generated seamless backgrounds of different types of patterns. you can customise the colours in the patterns too! (this is where i got my site bg btw)

CSS gradient - customise a gradient and copy-paste the generated code into your styles

Coolors - randomly generated colour palettes


Taiwind CSS - makes adding/editing CSS faster using pre-defined classes (sizes, colours, etc). it also allows for adding easy responsiveness (mobile design)! add the link to your page head and start playing

jQuery - makes JavaScript easier by introducing simpler syntax. click on the latest jQuery Core release and paste the code into your page head and you're all set! i never use pure JS in my sites any more, jQuery my beloved

cool html tags & other code

details tag - a purely HTML dropdown box with an arrow (i use these a lot on my site!)

marquee - a HTML ribbon of scrolling images/text. it's deprecated but i still use it cuz it's so easy xD