work in progress!
Cain's Jawbone solving tool
i made this tool to help me solve Cain's Jawbone - a murder mystery book where the pages were printed in a random order. i initially mapped the pages on my ipad (in Freeform), but after my first read-through i realised that many pages relate to more than one theme/grouping, which makes them difficult to organise on a 2D board:
so on the second read-through i took a different approach: i assigned each page tags based on its themes, so that i can compare pages of similar themes one theme at a time. this will hopefully help me figure out which pages are linked
these themes are kinda weird and messy because i added them on the fly on my second read-through and missed out some themes, so i will need to go over it again sometime. still, i think it's good enough as a draft
my solution (WIP)
here's all the things i think are right so far:
- Henry is the main killer, he kills multiple people - but i think there is at least one other killer
- Henry's family is involved in the motive for the murders, not fully sure why yet - something about his 3 wives???
- there's a lot about love, marriage, and sex, with tension arising from it
- someone seems to know what Henry is doing, and i think that's the same person who's being paid off to carry out some instructions (maybe they kill Henry?)
- pages 41 and 93 are consecutive because of the poem
- Alexander is a writer. the writer is dead
- pages 73 + 67; 66 + 74 go together - by Augustus about a place of his initiation